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Qualifying for SSDI vs. SSI in Nevada: Key Differences

If you're unable to work due to a disability, you may be eligible for social security disability benefits in Nevada. However, there are two types of benefits available - Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - and it's important to understand the key differences between the two. Today on the blog, we’re sharing what each program is and the requirements for qualification.

What Is SSDI?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal insurance program designed to provide income supplements to people who are physically restricted in their ability to be employed because of a notable disability. In Nevada, like in other states, SSDI is funded through payroll taxes. Eligibility for SSDI is determined by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and is based on an individual's work credits, which are earned through taxable employment. The amount a person receives in SSDI benefits in Nevada is determined by their previous earnings and is not affected by the state's cost of living.

Do I Qualify for SSDI?

To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in Nevada, an individual must meet certain federal requirements. The two principal requirements are:

  1. The individual must have a significant employment history during which they paid into Social Security through payroll taxes. This is quantified by the Social Security Administration (SSA) as "work credits". Typically, an individual needs 40 credits, with 20 of these earned in the last 10 years ending with the year they become disabled. Younger workers may qualify with fewer credits.
  2. The individual must have a medical condition that meets the SSA's definition of disability. This is usually a severe condition that prevents the individual from performing substantial gainful activity (SGA). Furthermore, this condition is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death.

What Is SSI?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal assistance program managed by the Social Security Administration (SSA), designed to provide financial aid to elderly, blind, or disabled individuals who have little or no income. It furnishes them with resources for basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. Unlike SSDI, SSI is not based on an individual's prior work or a family member's work history. Instead, it's funded by general tax revenues. In Nevada, the maximum Federal SSI payment changes yearly. For 2022, the maximum SSI payment is $841 for an eligible individual, $1257 for an eligible couple, and $420 for an essential person. Besides, Nevada does not supplement the federal SSI payment.

Do I Qualify for SSI?

To qualify for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Nevada, an individual must fulfill several specific requirements set by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The key criteria are as follows:

  • Residency: The person must reside in the State of Nevada. They cannot be absent from the country for a full calendar month or for 30 consecutive days or more.
  • Income: The person's income, including both earned income (from work) and unearned income (such as Social Security benefits, pensions, and unemployment benefits), must be within the income limits of the SSI program. Assets, such as property or bank accounts, also fall under this consideration.
  • Disability or Age: The person must be 65 years or older, blind, or disabled according to the SSA's definition, which typically means having a severe condition that prevents the individual from performing substantial gainful activity (SGA) and the condition is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death.
  • Institutionalization: The person should not be confined to an institution such as a hospital or a prison at the government's expense.
  • Application for Other Benefits: If a person is eligible for any other government benefits, like Social Security or pension, they must apply for those benefits. The amount received from these benefits might affect the SSI amount.

An experienced social security disability attorney can help walk you through the often-complex application process and provide valuable legal guidance throughout. Our team at Disability Action Advocates can help determine if you qualify for a social security disability claim and take action on your behalf.

Call (888) 421-8705 to learn more.